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  • Ice Chip #401

    As we embark on a new year, I want to share a story from Harvey Mackay, best-selling author, speaker and businessman. His weekly newsletter is full of wisdom and useful insights. I am honored to have met Harvey and present him a signed copy of Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts at the 2010 BNI International Conference in Garden Grove, CA.

    My passion for sharing the Remember the Ice story mirrors this short story. Enjoy.

    Ten-year-old Billy stumbled while boarding the school bus one morning and bruised his cheek on the stair. But he got up, brushed himself off, looked out at his dad, who was at the bus stop, and gave him a thumbs-up.

    Later that morning the school nurse called his father and said Billy had an accident at school. He ran into another student during a gym class and had a bump on his forehead but was okay. The nurse said Billy seemed more concerned about the other student.

    At the end of the day as Billy was heading for the school bus, he slipped on some ice and broke his wrist trying to catch his fall. When his father arrived at the hospital he found his son chatting away with the nurses.

    He said, “Dad, look,” as he clutched a dollar bill. I found this when I fell. Today is my lucky day.”

    I enthusiastically agree with his additional comments from his 11-17-16 newsletter:

    Life and our circumstances are all about how we think of them.  And for most of us working stiffs, our circumstances include making a living, sometimes at a job or career that occupies a big bite of our time.  [Would you want]that big bite to taste good?

    Insurance magnate and author W. Clement Stone said: “There is little difference in people, [and] that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” By the way, Stone lived this philosophy to a ripe old age of 100.

    If you recognize some negative traits invading your attitude, take some action before it’s too late. [Avoid] wasting time when you’ve got a problem to solve or an idea to put into action. A rapid response gets attention and builds excitement.

    Focus on the bright side. Emphasize what you genuinely enjoy about your job and the people you work with, and express your gratification as much as you can.

    Keep your eye on results. It’s easy to fall into routines and patterns that emphasize the process instead of the outcome. Learn the rules, [and] apply them with an eye on what you want to achieve.

    Especially this comment:

    Check your use of language, and change it when necessary. This includes inner talk and outer talk. Change your negative words and thoughts into positive ones.

    Words mean things, and raising your awareness of “(K)notty Words” and reframing them with BETTER Word Choice will prove to be one of your most powerful New Year’s Resolutions.

    Enjoy the journey and know we are here to assist and coach.

    Empowering Regards,


2 Responses so far.

  1. I enjoyed the ice chip today. It has been my experience when your day starts out with a negative you can say the whole day is ruined and expect the worse however, if you decide that negative was just a small bump and the rest of my is going to be great, it will be.

    Keep from dwelling on any negativity in your life and let the positive in.

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