Your humble Remember the Ice creator has been a member of BNI chapters since 1989. I began in Phoenix, AZ as an Ambassador working with Executive Director Norm Dominguez.
Since July 23, 1991 when I walked into the convenience store, BNI members have been instrumental in the success of Remember the Ice and shared the message on a global scale. Thank you BNI.
For this week’s Ice Chip, once again there is a BNI connection. We relocated to Kalispell, MT from Bountiful, UT in August of 2016. What a great move!!
One of the first things I did prior to packing the U-Haul truck was consult the BNI Kalispell Chapter roster and make calls to various members to help us relocate.
One of the members is Dan Dammerman. His company is Dan the Phone Man.
The reason I am highlighting him is he recently sent me a couple of pictures showing some (K)notty Word signs – and a great one that would increase business for the convenience store where he found them.
Too bad ice and chip sales suffered…..
Or maybe the outcome was reversed….
at least for the chips….
Much better sign.
We believe there were more chips sales than ice…
Thank you, Dan.
Have a great week,
Empowering Regards,
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